From 29 April until 13 May 2021, the subsidiary of “Crn Drim”, situated in the town of Ohrid, carried out cleaning of the canals in the municipalities of Debarca and Kicevo respectively. Cleaning was done both, manually and using machinery (see images attached).
Municipality of Debarca
HMS Mesheishte
Cleaning of the main distribution canals using machinery in places called Peljor, Palovitel, Breston, Pishko oreshka



Manual cleaning of the main distribution channel in the village Mesheishte in a place called Saloreshye


HMS Volino

In HMS Volino, the furrows were cleaned from sediments, vegetation and various garbage using machinery in the places called St. Petka and Dolni Chiflik respectively.


HMS Klimeshtani and Koroshishta
The main canal from Sateska river was cleaned, from which HMS Klimeshtani and HMS Koroshishta are supplied with water.


Municipality of Kicevo
HMS Srbyani
Cleaning of the main distribution canal in HMS Srbyani, from a place called Aybuk to Strachka, and from Strachka to Kalani, which enabled uninterrupted flow of water in the canal, preventing potential overflow and flooding of the surrounding agricultural areas.