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Subsidiaries Radovishko Pole - RadovishCrn Drim - OhridBregalnica - KochaniPrilepsko Pole - PrilepTikvesh - KavadarciKumanovsko-Lipkovsko Pole - KumanovoSouth Vardar - GevgelijaBitolsko Pole - BitolaPolog - GostivarBerovo - BerovoStrumichko Pole - StrumicaSkopsko Pole - Skopje
Latest Articles Regular field work of subsidiary of Yuzen Vardar carried out in November and December 2021 Cleaning of concrete canals in the subsidiary of Bregalnica Conducted field work of the subsidiary of "Skopsko Pole" - Skopje in November 2021 Irrigation season in subsidiary of Sveti Nikole concluded with over 3400 hectares of agriculture land irrigated Regular maintenance of canal network and repair of defects in the subsidiary of Tikvesh – Kavadarci