JSC Water Economy of Republic of  North Macedonia

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From 15 Nov until 15 Dec 2021 employees of the subsidiary of Bregalnica, situated in the town of Kochani, carried out cleaning of some parts of the concrete canals GK-3 and GK-4 of grown vegetation in order to provide normal flow of water in canals. Accumulated sediments in the afore-mentioned canals are going to be cleaned in the upcoming months using machinery.

Cleaning of canals from grown vegetation reveals spots where concrete is damaged. It will be repaired in the springtime when weather conditions are favourable/suitable.

 Regular control of the waters of the rivers Bregalnica, Osojnica and Zrnovska Reka was carried out. Invoices for water compensation have been delivered, as well. 



According to the annual plan for maintenance of the canal network of the subsidiary of “Skopsko Pole”, situated in town of Skopje, in November 2021, approximately ten thousand (10,000) meters in total of drainage and irrigation canals were cleaned of sediments and vegetation using machinery, as follows:


- “Canal A” within the municipality of Ilinden in total length of 2800
meters. From 04 Nov until 25 Nov cleaning of “Canal
A” in total length of 2800 meters was carried out. The canal was cleaned of sediments and vegetation using machinery (small excavator “Yanmar”). Normal flow of water in the canal resumed.


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The irrigation season of the subsidiary of the JSC “Water Economy of RNM" from the town of Sveti Nikole this year started in following order: on 07 May 2021 delivery of irrigation water started along the main canal for sowing rice in the areas of villages of Krupishte and Zigan respectively, whereas on 19 May 2021 irrigation of agriculture land in the area of Ovche Pole started. The irrigation season concluded on 23 Sep 2021, with approx. 3400 hectares of agricultural land being irrigated. The amount of water from the “Kalimanci” accumulation spent on irrigation in the area of the operation of the subsidiary of Sveti Nikole, is estimated to be fifty million (50,000,000) m3.

The most planted crop in the area of operation of the subsidiary of Sveti Nikole was the clover (alfalfa) with 1500 hectares planted, followed by rice with 580 hectares planted, corn with 530 hectares and vineyards with 430 hectares planted.

Due to the extremely dry periods during the irrigation season, delivery of water for irrigation was carried out in accordance with water delivery plan by which all agriculture areas received water for eight (8) days, followed with subsequent interruption of delivery that lasted for four (4) consecutive days.
Throughout irrigation season, certain defects took place in water distribution network consisting of pipelines and canals. Part of defects were successfully repaired in a timely manner with appropriate spare parts provided, while rehabilitation of some parts of the distribution network is still ongoing. Favourable weather conditions in November allowed repair of defects to continue in order to get the water distribution network ready for the next 2022 irrigation season. See images attached.

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Regular maintenance of canal network and repair of defects in the subsidiary of Tikvesh – Kavadarci

The employees of Tikvesh subsidiary of the JSC "Water Economy of the Republic of North Macedonia", situated in the town of Kavadarci, carried out regular maintenance and repair of defects in the system

(network) of canals used for irrigation/drainage in order to get the system and the accompanying infrastructure ready for the upcoming 2022 irrigation season.

Following field work was carried out: Cleaning and disposal of grown vegetation and weed along the main canals and group open concrete canals, as well as on the exploitation roads along the canals. 

Cleaning of canals from sediment, both manually and using machinery.

In addition to maintaining the open canal network, repair of defects in the secondary irrigation network made of closed pipelines is being carried out (see images attached).

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The Joint Stock Company ‘Water Economy of Republic of North Macedonia’, headquartered in Skopje, became member of the Institute for Standardization of the Republic of North Macedonia (ISRSM) and ISRSM TC 9-Quality, Environment and Risk Management and TC 17- Air and water quality.

The need for water as an indispensable part of human life and health, as well as the essential part of agriculture, represent an absolute priority of the JSC “Water Economy of RNM”, as company which main job is the use, maintenance and management of irrigation and drainage systems in general, supply of water for irrigation, supply of water to enterprises that supply drinkable water to citizens and other necessities, water supply for industrial and technological (economic) needs, including water for production of electricity, regulation of riverbeds, land drainage and drainage of discharged water from enterprises etc.
The executive director of the JSC “Water Economy of RNM”, Mr. Stefanov Vasko accompanied by the Director of the Institute for Standardization of Republic of North Macedonia (ISRSM), Mr. Kicara Xhevat signed the application form for the membership of ISRSM, contributing and committing the companies they represent for a better and healthier environment.

During the month of August 2021, the subsidiary of “Crn Drim'', situated in the town of Ohrid, carried out cleaning and repairing of approx. 1 km of the Main Struga canal in a place called “Vishensko Blato” in Cadastral Municipality of Misleshevo (nearby the town of Struga). The canal has not been cleaned for more than 35 years.
The cleaning of this canal is of great importance for the settlement of “Misleshevski Pat”, as well as for protection of the town of Struga from floods. When complete renovation is going to be done, the canal will be able to collect up to 0.5 million m3 of water.
In addition to cleaning, work is being carried out on leveling the canal given the placement of concrete pipes with inappropriate profiles at inappropriate depth.
The subsidiary of “Crn Drim”continues with cleaning of the Struga drainage canal in urban areas (see images attached).



Device for measuring the flow of drinking water at the Lake of Berovo (accumulation of Ratevo) was installed on 25.06.2021 at 13.00 hrs. The lake provides water for the citizens of the town of Berovo.
The subsidiary of Berovo fully supports the ongoing campaign of the University of "Goce Delchev" from the town of Shtip and ICS by providing conditions for monitoring the water quality of the Lake of Berovo. Samples of water from the surface of the lake will be taken and tested in the next 15 days, meaning continuous monitoring of the water quality is going to be carried out for the next 15 days.
The subsidiary of Berovo fully supports cooperation with scientific institutions, in order to continuously monitor the quality of drinking water consumed by the citizens of the town of Berovo from the accumulation of Ratevo.
The subsidiary of Berovo will continue carrying out activities aimed at monitoring the quality of drinking water.

The sowing of the rice crop has been completed In the AoR (area of responsibility) of the subsidiary in Sveti Nikole. For irrigation of the rice fields, the flowing waters from the river Zletovska were taken and a few days afterwards, water was released from the Right Main Canal from the Bregalnica Hydro-system. This year, approx. 620 hectares have been sown with rice crops. Delivery of water for irrigation in the rest of the hydro-system started on 15 May 2021. The areas sown with clover, corn, cherry orchards etc started to be irrigated.

Rehabilitation and maintenance of the closed irrigation system is also underway. For the past two weeks 4 (four) ACC pipes with diameter ranging from F150 to F400 and 3 (three) repair joints, 2 (two) “zhibo” joints, 1 (one) PGS 400 B, 1 (one) PVC pipe F400 and a valve F200 were replaced and installed (see images attached).

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From 29 April until 13 May 2021, the subsidiary of “Crn Drim”, situated in the town of Ohrid, carried out cleaning of the canals in the municipalities of Debarca and Kicevo respectively. Cleaning was done both, manually and using machinery (see images attached).
Municipality of Debarca
HMS Mesheishte
Cleaning of the main distribution canals using machinery in places called Peljor, Palovitel, Breston, Pishko oreshka


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The employees of the subsidiary in Gostivar carried out cleaning in the first half of May 2021 in the areas of the villages of Tumcevishte, Forino (municipality of Gostivar) and Dobridol (municipality of Vrapchishte).
In the village of Tumchevishte, approx. 3000 meters of stream from the river of Vrapchishka, part of the river of Debreshnica was cleaned. The stream if not properly cleaned may cause floods in the areas of the villages of Tumchevishte, Forino and Chegrane. This stream was cleaned of trees and vegetation first manually with chainsaw and afterwards using machinery (excavator).
A valve was removed for repair so it can be used during the irrigation season. Main and secondary irrigation canals (trenches) were opened in the same areas.
Due to the blockage of the main canal "Zdunje-Pirok" in the area of the Negotino village, the employees of the subsidiary of Gostivar carried out field work in the River Mazdraca to release the canal network and to resume a normal flow of water. Regular field work has been carried out on the sedimentation tanks in Galate and Dobridol respectively.
Cleaning of the stream from the river of Vrapchishka has been carried out in order to prevent flooding in the areas of villages of Tumchevishte, Forino and Chegrane.

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1The sowing campaign this spring will be realized 10 (ten) days earlier than usual, which is an excellent prerequisite for successful vegetation and earlier harvest in the autumn. The efficiency in sowing was due to the timely preparations and the optimal amounts of water that are distributed to the water users.

Approximately 10 (ten) days earlier than last year, the sowing of rice in the production region planned on 4,200 hectares will be fully realized.

The fast and efficient sowing was enabled by the qualitative irrigation from the Bregalnica Hydro-system and the timely preparation of the trenches, furrows, the detailed and the main canal network, which enabled the distribution of water to all water users.

The remaining 10 (ten) percent of unsown areas are in the areas of the villages of Spancevo and Sokolarci, which are traditionally sown among the last.

From the Kalimanci dam, holding over 110 million cubic meters of water, 9м³ per second of water has been released, an amount that satisfies the needs for irrigation in this period of the season. The use of the flowing waters from the rivers this springtime was at maximum, making significant savings of the water from the Kalimanci dam.
Agricultural experts assess the sowing as very efficient and of high quality, due to the favourable weather conditions, which enable successful germination and vegetation of the rice crop. This means that at the end of May and the beginning of June, the phase of protection of the crops from weeds will start, which is very important for obtaining bigger and better production.

6The subsidiary of Tikvesh, situated in the town of Kavadarci continues releasing the water that is used for irrigation in the Tikvesh Region enabling uninterrupted irrigation of agricultural land in the upcoming period.
On May 11, the water was released in the Left main canal along its entire length and in the section lines, as well as in the technological water systems of the villages of Rosoman and Gradsko respectively.
On May 14, the water was released in K-1 at HS Boshava with 10 section lines.
On May 15, the water was released in HS Bistrenci-Koreshnica,
and on May 15,.2021 the water was released in HS Pepelishte.

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