JSC Water Economy of Republic of  North Macedonia

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HMS Tikvesh

Its characteristics are one of the largest and most important hydro-melioration systems in the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia. The total projected gross area for irrigation in HMS Tikvesh was 17.760 hectares, and the total gross possible irrigated area amounted to 13.258 hectares. It was performed in the period (1969-1971), and was put into function at the end of the distant 1971.

From the possible gross irrigation area, an average of 5,000,000 to 8,000 hectares is irrigated annually, but exceptionally in the years when, due to extreme low temperatures and total freezing of the dominant so-called. monoculture (intensive vineyards), the total irrigated areas in HMS Tikvesh on an annual basis were smaller and reduced to less than 5.000.0 hectares.

The general, common and general conclusion is that from the total irrigated areas (75-85)% are vineyards and fruit trees.

Description and technical characteristics of HMS Tikvesh

Sources of water at HMS TIKVES

At the moment, HMS "Tikves" generally uses water from:

1. Tikvesh accumulation, as the dominant source water, with a total gross volume of 475*106 m3 of water, of which 309*106 m3 are used as useful for crossing, of which 95% are available for irrigation at the annual level, with a priority of 95*106 m3 of water, for the areas covered by the basic hydro-melioration system Tikvesh.

2. Accumulation "Podlesh" with total gross capacity of ~ 500.000,0 m3 water, of which for irrigation 450.000,0 m3 water, for the areas covered by the hydro system Podlesh.

3. Boshavica River with variable oscillatory total flow of 0.25 to 3.5 m3/s. and minimum required quantities of water for irrigation at an annual level of 350 l/s. or ~ 3,630,000 m3 of water, for the areas covered by the more dedicated hydro-system Boshava.

4. Vardar River for irrigation of the surfaces of the pumping hydro-systems Pepelishte and Bistrentsi-Koreshnitsa with minimum quantities of water for irrigation at an annual level of 4*106 m3.

5. The Doshnica and Boshavica rivers for irrigation of the surfaces of the hydro-system Demir-Kapija, with minimum quantities of irrigation water annually of 8*105 m3, and

6. Drenska river for irrigation of the surfaces of the hydro-system Dren, with minimum required quantities of water for irrigation at an annual level of 20*104 m3.

Competencies, territory, scope and area of ​​activity in H.M.S. Tikvesh

AD Water Management of the Republic of Macedonia in state ownership - subsidiary Tikvesh - Kavadarci is formed due to:
use, maintenance, exploitation and control of systems for irrigation of the area of ​​activity, water supply for irrigation, water supply to utility companies for irrigation and technological needs, water supply to legal and natural persons for industrial needs, water supply for production of electricity and drainage of the land in the defined territory within the HMS Tikvesh.
The area of ​​activity of the HMS Tikvesh geographical area, which is affected by the surfaces and users from the municipalities of Kavadarci, Rosoman, Gradsko, Negotino and Demir Kapija which are provided with water from HMS "Tikvesh" and other subsystems in this defined territory, which in general and by themselves, they make a complete hydro-technical unit and a set of interconnected hydraulic and water-economy objects, within the territory of the HMS Tikvesh.